
1.This may have preserved the elephant from being wiped out as well as other animals ______ in Africa.

  A.hunted   B.hunting   C.that hunted   D.are hunted

  2.The office has to be shut down ______ funds.

  A.being a lack of   B.from lack of a lack of   D.for lack of

  3.In international matches, prestige is so important that the only thing that matters is to avoid _____.

  A.from being beaten   B.being beaten   C.beating be beaten

  4.As it turned out to be a small house party, we ____ so formally.

  A.need not have dressed up   B.must not have dressed up   C.did not need to dress up   D.must not dress up

  5.Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than _____ Eastern Nebraska. receives in   C.does does in

  6._____ no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his bedroom.

  A.There was   B.Since   C.Being   D.There being

  7.The brilliance of his satires was ______ make even his victims laugh. as to   B.such as to that   D.such that

  8.If he _____ in that way for much longer he will find himself in the bankruptcy court.

  A.carries on   B.carries off   C.carries by   D.carries away

  9.Although the false banknotes fooled many people, they did not ____ close examination.

  A.look up up   C.keep up   D.stand up

  10.He must give us more time, ______ we shall not be able to make a good job of it.

  A.consequently   B.otherwise   C.therefore   D.doubtlessly

  11.When there was a short ______ in the conversation, I asked if anyone would like anything to drink.

  A.blank   C.pause   D.wait

  12.You can do it if you want to, but in my opinion it's not worth the ____ it involves.

  A.effort   B.strength   C.attempt   D.force

  13.The main road through Little bury was blocked for three hours today after an accident ____ two lorries.

  A.involving   B.including   C.combining   D.containing

  14.Very few scientists _____ with completely new answers to the world's problem.

  A.come to   B.come round   C.come on   D.come up

  15.Hotel rooms must be _____ by noon, but luggage may be left with the porter.

  A.departed   B.abandoned   C.vacated   D.displaced

  16.The ____ physicist has been challenged by others in his field.

  A.respectable   B.respectful   C.respective   D.respecting

  17.I'll try to get in touch with him but he's_____ ever at home when I phone.   A hardlyB almostC rarelyD occasionally

  18.With hundreds of works left behind, Picasso is regarded as a very ____ artist.

  A.profound   B.productive   C.prosperous   D.plentiful

  19.The city suffered ______ damage as a result of the earthquake.

  A.considered   B.considerate   C.considerable   D.considering

  20.Undergraduate students have no _____ to the rare books in the school library.

  A.access   B.entrance   C.way   D.path


  1-5 ADBAC 6-10 DBADB 11-15 CAADC   16-20 BABCA



上一篇 2023年 2月 28日 上午10:35
下一篇 2023年 2月 28日 上午10:48


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