







somebody 某人

someone 某人 某物, 某事

any 一些,任何(修饰可数或不可数名词)

anybody 任何人

anyone 任何人

anything 任何事物

no 无(修饰可数或不可数名词)

nobody 无人

no one 无一人

nothing 无物

every 每个

everybody 每人,人人,大家

everyone 每人

everything 每一事物,一切

all 全体,全

both 两个

neither 没有人或物(指两个当中)

none 没有人或物(指两个以上)

either 任何一个(指两个当中)

each 每个

other 另一个

others 另一些

another 另外一个,又一个

much 很多(修饰不可数名词)

many 很多(修饰可数名词)

few 很少(修饰可数名词)

a few 一些,几个(修饰可数名词)

little 很少(修饰不可数名词)

a little 一些(修饰不可数名词)

one 一个(人或物)




(Some )are students. 一些是学生。

( someone )wants to have a talk with you. 有人想和你谈一谈。


If there are (any) apples left,l would like to eat some.



Did you do (anything)?你做了些什么呢?

l don't like these T-shirt. Could you please show me (another)? 我不喜欢这些丅恤,你能让我看看另一件吗?


That's (all) l want to say. 那就是我所说的内容。


1.He can't hear you, because there is ____ noise here

A.very much B.too much C.much too D.so many

2.____ name is Han Meimai.

A.Herself B.Hers C.She D.Her

3.All of us were invited, but ____ of us came

A.neither B.none C.Both

4.The weather in Shanghai is different from ____

A.Beijing B. Beijing weather

C.that in Beijing D.those of Beijing

5.There isn't ____ water in the cup.

A.any B.many C.some D.The

6.—-Is this ____ pen?

—-No, ____ is on my desk.

A.your; my B.yours; my

C.your; mine D.yours; mine

7.The bottle is empty. There is ____ in it.




8.—-Look! We have ____ sugar.

—-Really? Let's go and buy some.

A.few B.a few C.little D.a little

9.There isn't ____ milk in the fridge. You'd better buy some.

A.no B.any C.Some

10.—-“There isn't ____ water here. Could you get ____ for me?”

—-“All ringht.”

A.some; some B.any; any

C.some; any D.any; some

11.Today, ____ trees are still being cut down somewhere in the world.

A.much too B.too much

C.many too D.too many

12.There are lots of English books here, and ____ of them is easy to understand.

A.both B.all C.every D.Each

13.Is the shirt on the bed ____ ?

A.yours B.your C.you

14.Mr Green taught ____ English last year.

A.our B.we C.Us

15.These sweaters are too small for me. Please show me ____ one.

A.other B.others

C.the others D.Another

16.Mary can't go with us. ____ has to look after ____ mother at home.

A.She; his B.She; her

C.He; her D.He; His

17.There isn't ____ paper in the box. Will you go and get ____ for me?

A.any; some B.any; any

C.some; some D.some; any

18.I often help ____ .

A.he or she B.his and her

C.him and her D.his and hers

19.There are some trees on ____ side of the street.

A.both B.all C.either D.Every

20.“Which of the two dictionaries do you like better?”“I like ____ , because they're not useful.”

A.both B.either C.all D.Neither

21.They were all very tired, but ____ of them would stop to take a rest.

A.any B.some 

C.none D.Neither

22.There were ____ people and noise in the park last Sunday.

A.many; much B.much; much

C.much; many D.many; many

23.____ of them has a dictionary and ____ one of them can look up words in the dictionary.

A.Each; every B.Every; each

C.Each; each D.Every; every

24.Please keep together. We want ____ of you to get lost.

A.none B.some C.many D.Any

25.There is ____ water here; but there are quite ____ empty glasses.

A.little; a few B.few; little

C.few; a few D.little; a little

26.The skirt is ____ . She made it ____ .

A.hers; herself B.her; herself

C.herself; hers D.herself; her

27.“Haven't you forgotten ____ ?”“ ____ ,oh, I forgot my bag.”

A.anything; Excuse me 

B.something; Excuse me

C.something; Pardon 

D.everything; Pardon

28.Be quiet! I have ____ to tell you.

A.important anything 

B.anything important

C.important something 

D.something important

29.My father is very busy with his work. He has ____ time to do the housework.

A.little B.few C.a little D.a few

30.—- ____ of the boys in Class Four are playing games.


A.All B.Each 

C.The both D.None

31.The boy promised ____ mother never to lie to ____ again.

A.his; him B.her; her 

C.her; him D.his; her

32.“Would you like some milk in your tea?”“Yes, just ____ .”

A.much B.a little 

C.a few D.Little

33.____ school is much larger than ____ .

A.Their; our B.Their; ours

C.Theirs; ours D.Theirs; our

34.Put it down, Richard. You mustn't read ____ letter.

A.anyone's else's B.anyone's else C.anyone else's D.anyone else

35.He found ____ very interesting to ride a horse.

A.this B.that C.it D.Which

36.Han Meimei, what about ____ to eat?

A.everything B.something

C.nothing D.Anything

37.____ office is much smaller than ____ .

A.Ours; yours B.Our; yours

C.Theirs; our D.Your; their

38.“Help ____ to some meat, Mary,”my aunt said to me.

A.themselves B.ourselves

C.yourself D.Himself

39.There are twenty teachers in this grade.Eight of them are women teachers and ____ are men teachers.

A.the other B.the others 


40.Though they had cleaned the floor, there was still ____ water on it.

A.little B.a little C.few D.a few


1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C

7.C 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.D 12.D

13.A 14.C 15.D 16.B 17 .A 18.A

19 . C 20.D 21.C 22.A 23.A

24.A 25.A 26.A 27.A 28.D

29.A 30.A 31.D 32.B 33.B

33.C 34.C 35.B 36.B 37.C

38.B 40.B



上一篇 2023年 3月 1日 下午6:19
下一篇 2023年 3月 1日 下午6:32


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