

  1. send v.寄,送(sent sent)

sent sth. to sb. = sent sb. sth.

-I sent a message to David yesterday.

-I sent David a message yesterday.

-God sends fortune to fools. (谚)傻人有傻福。

  1. spoil v.1.损坏,毁掉=ruin

-The bad weather spoiled my vocation.

-Sometimes anxiety is unavoidable. But it doesn’t have to ruin your life.

-You’ll spoil your dinner. No, thank you. Not for me. Let’s see if we can find your family.

-You ruined my life!


-Spare the rod and spoil the child. (谚)不打不成器

-She is spoiled.

  1. damage v.彻底摧毁(物)

-The bridge was destroyed during the war.

injure v.使受伤(身体或精神)

-He was injured in the accident.

wound v.使受伤(尤其刀伤枪伤)

-The soldier was wounded in the battle.

hurt v.使受伤(身体或精神)

-You hurt my heart.

-Mike didn’t play football yesterday because he had _____________ his leg.

  1. friendly adj.友好的,亲切的

n.+ ly -adj. “像.,,一样的“

motherly 母亲般的

manly 有男子气概的,像男人的

womanly 有女子气质的,像女人的

miserly 吝啬的(miser n.守财奴)

cowardly 胆小的(coward n.懦夫)

  1. lend v.借给(lent, lent)

lend sth. to sb. =lend sb. sth.

-Could you lend some money to me?

-Could you lend me some money?

  1. borrow v.借(入)

borrow sth. from sb.

-May I borrow some money from you ?

  1. decision n.决定



a decision

come to

arrive at

-Let’s keep to the point or we____________ any decisions.

-She made a decision to marry the young man.

decide to do…/make up one’s mind to do…

-I made up my mind to study abroad.

  1. whole adj.整个的,全部的 用法:之前一般需要冠词,之后常跟复数名词

a whole cake/the whole day/ the whole world/

the whole students × the whole class √

同义词:entire 意思用法与whole 基本一样。

the entire family全家/the entire human race全人类

all意思与whole 一样,用法略有不同:

  1. 可以不要冠词,若需要只用the,置于all之后。
  2. 可修饰单数名词也可修饰复数名词。

all day/all night/all the time/all the class/all the students

  1. single adj.1.唯一的,单一的

a single bed/ a single ticket (a one-way ticket)/-He is still single.

double adj.两个的,双倍的 a double bed/room

triple adj.三个的,三倍的


  1. engaged订婚的/married 结婚的/ divorced 离婚的


Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Every day I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!


  1. 一般过去式
  2. 使用场合:a.表示过去某时发生的动作或存在的状态。


  1. 结构:a.一般动词:

肯定:S+动词过去式 -He worked there last year.

否定:S+ didn’t +动词原形 -He didn’t work there last yeat.

疑问:Did+ S +动词原形…? -Did he work there last year?


肯定:S+was/were…. -He was there yesterday.

否定:S+ wasn’t/weren’t… -He wasn’t there yesterday.

疑问:Was/Were +S… -Was he there yesterday?

补:一般过去式经常和表示过去时间的状语连用,如yesterday,last week, two years ago, in 1999等。

-Have you known Dr. Jackson for a long time?

-Yes , since she ______________the Chinese Society.

-Have you read a book called Waiting for Anya?

-Who ________ it?

-I don’t believe you’ve already finished reading the book-I ____________ it to you this morning!

  1. teach sb. sth. =teach sth. to sb.

-Miss Qu teaches us English. =-Miss Qu teaches English to us.

  1. a few few quite a few
  2. read (read read) : read sb. sth. / read sth. to sb.

-Read me the letter. /- Read the letter to me.

  1. every day -adv.每天 everyday – adj.每天的

-I study English every day. everyday life

  1. think about 想着,想到 think of 想起,想到

-I‘m thinking about going to Europe. -I thought of a good idea.

  1. pass/go by/fly by

-My holidays went by quickly. -My holidays flew by.

  1. at dawn/at daybreak/at sunrise
  2. buy sb. sth. / buy sth. for sb.

-I bought my nephew a toy car. -I bought a toy car for my nephew


  1. The writer ______ .

  a. doesn’t like buying postcards b. doesn’t like receiving postcards

  c. doesn’t like writing postcards d. doesn’t like postcards

  2. What was the writer’s ‘big decision’?

  a. He decided to write postcards to his friends.

  b. He decided to spend the whole day in his room.

  c. He decided to buy a lot of postcards.

  d. He decided not to write a single card.

  Structure 句型

  3. Last summer he went to Italy. He was ______ Italy last summer.

  a. at b. to c. in d. on

  4. ______ him a few words of Italian? The waiter.

  a. Who taught b. Who did teach c. What did he teach d. Whom did he teach

  5. He was a friendly waiter. He spoke to the writer ______ .

  a. friend b. as friends c. like friends d. in a friendly way

  6. The writer ______ a few lines, but he didn’t understand a word.

  a. reads b. read c. red d. reading

  7. He spent the whole day in his room. He was in his room _____ day.

  a. the hole b. the all c. all d. all of

  Vocabulary 词汇

  8. A waiter usually works in a ______ .

  a. public garden b. shop c. restaurant d. private house

  9. The waiter lent him a book. He ______ a book from the waiter.

  a. lent b. borrowed c. took d. stole

  10. On the last day he made a big decision. It was ______ day of his holiday.

  a. final b. end c. latest d. bottom

  11. He made a big decision. He ______ .

  a. thought about it b. made up his mind

  c. changed his mind d. made a wish

  12. He didn’t write a single card. So he ______ .

  a. wrote only one b. didn’t write ever one

  c. wrote just one d. wrote all the cards except one



上一篇 2023年 3月 31日 下午12:42
下一篇 2023年 3月 31日 下午12:57


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