
一、Dialogue 会话

Part A A: Excuse me, Ma’am. What time is it, please?B: It’s two thirty.A: Thanks. What time is the next train?B: Two forty-five.A: I see. Is it on time?B: Yes, it is.


Part BA: Hi, Tom. What time is it, please?B: It’s a quarter to seven.A: Oh, no! I’m late.B: It’s OK.A: What do you mean?B: My watch is fast.

二、Vocabulary & Idioms 单词短语注解

What time is it, please? I’m sorry. I don’t have watch with me.我没有手表。

三、Grammar Points 语法重点

What time is it please? =What time is it by your watch please?

What time do you have?

What time is it please?

It’s 10 in the morning.


one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight , nine , ten , eleven , twelve ,

thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen , seventeen , eighteen, nineteen, twenty

twenty-one, twenty-two….

thirty, forty, fifty, sixty , seventy , eighty ,ninety,

one hundred , one thousand , ten thousand , one hundred thousand ,one million

It’s 12 noon. =It’s noon.中午12点。

It’s 12 midnight. =It’s midnight.午夜12点。

It’s five past three. = It’s three o five. 3点5分,口语中顺念比较常用

x past x 以及 x to x 比较少用。


It’s a quarter past three. = It’s three fifteen.

It’s one fifteen. =It’s fifteen past one. =It’s a quarter past one. 一点十五分。

a quarter of the cake.蛋糕的四分之一。

分针到30,可念成thirty 或 half


It’s half past six.

It’s two thirty. =It’s half past two.


It’s twenty to five. 差20分5点

It’s four forty.四点四十。

It’s five to ten. 差5分到10点

It’s nine fifty-five. 9点55


It’s one o’clock. =It’s one.

It’s seven o’clock. = It’s seven.

It’s twelve noon. =It’s twelve midnight.


o’clock, minute, second

It’s seven twenty-one and forty-five seconds.如7点21分45秒

It’s five twenty and eighteen seconds. 5点20分18秒


It’s five-twenty a.m.

It’s five-twenty p.m.

It is 5:20 a.m. (ante[lee1] meridiem[lee2] )

It is 5:20 p.m. (post[lee3] meridiem)




I see. =I understand.

I see a cat there. / I see a pig there.

Why can’t he come?

He is busy.

I see.

Is it on time?

This train is never late, it is always on time.

I am always on time.

I go to school on time every day.

Dialog B

What do you mean?

John is a lazybones[lee1] .

What do you mean?

He is a lazy guy.


Come on, lazybones, get up!

My watch is fast.

My watch is slow.

My watch is 10 minutes fast.

This alarm clock is two hours slow.

It is ten minutes fast.


四、Substitution 替换

What time is it, please?

What time is it by your watch, please?

waht time do you have ?

It is 2:30

It is two o’clock.

It is a quarter to seven.

It is 6:35.

My watch is fast/one hour fast/ slow /ten minutes slow

五、Exercises 练习

A: what time is it by your watch?

B: It’s 12 noon

A: O, no. I’m late.

B: Why?

A: My bus is always on time.

B: I see. Don’t worry.

A: What do you mean?

B: My watch is 20 minutes fast.

A: Thanks God. So it’s 20 to 12.



上一篇 2023年 5月 7日 下午12:18
下一篇 2023年 5月 7日 下午12:31


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