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第1430期:Lights! Camera! English!


We all hear about foreign actors making it big in Hollywood. But many acknowledge that they were shaking in their boots the first time they were waiting for the director to shout: 'Action!'


Spanish actress Penelope Cruz, star of Zoolander-2 and Vanilla Sky, is a respected actress with a Hollywood career. But she hardly spoke any English when she was cast in her first role in an English language movie in 1998. In a candid interview with the US broadcaster CBS, Penelope admitted: "I would lock myself in the bathroom and cry because I didn't understand what was going on on the set, because I didn't understand everything that the director was saying or what the other actors were saying."

西班牙女演员佩内洛普·克鲁兹(Penelope Cruz)是 Zoolander-2 和 Vanilla Sky 的明星,是一位受人尊敬的好莱坞女演员。但 1998 年她在一部英语电影中出演她的第一个角色时,她几乎不会说英语。在接受美国广播公司 CBS 的坦诚采访时,佩内洛普承认:“我会把自己锁在浴室里哭,因为我没有了解片场发生了什么,因为我不明白导演所说的一切,或者其他演员所说的一切。”

Closer to home we have the example of Ziyi Zhang. She gained international acclaim in Memoirs of a Geisha and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and received many nominations for awards. What's helped her to learn English? Well, she says she listened to Eminem songs. And as she learned the language, she realised “how rude” the lyrics were.

言归正传,我们有张子怡的例子。她在艺伎回忆录和卧虎藏龙中获得了国际赞誉,并获得了许多奖项的提名。是什么帮助她学习英语?嗯,她说她听过 Eminem 的歌。当她学习这门语言时,她意识到歌词是“多么粗鲁”。

But when it comes to acting in English, nobody has a more colourful story than Austrian Arnold Schwarzenegger. He had to be dubbed at the beginning of his career because nobody could make out what he was saying. In his next film, he played a deaf mute.


The bodybuilder turned actor claims his accent has softened, but he keeps it thick on purpose. "It's become such a big part of me that people really enjoy it," says Arnie. He's aware of the irony when he tells us: "The very things that they said would make it impossible for me to be successful in acting were the things that became my assets."


Yes – the complicated name, the thick accent, the big body – nothing stopped him from doing the things he liked. So don't despair when you struggle with English. They've all been there and they've prevailed. Are you ready for your close up in life?




上一篇 2023年 4月 28日 上午11:46
下一篇 2023年 4月 28日 下午12:12


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